Episode Segments:
1) Mark and Susanna Livingston discuss Teaching With Author Websites - Using T.A. Barron's website resources for teaching and learning - Studying & learning from Kurt Vonnegut's new biography and Vonnegut YouTube resources - and more… Segment Starts @ 3:18
1) Mark and Susanna Livingston discuss Teaching With Author Websites - Using T.A. Barron's website resources for teaching and learning - Studying & learning from Kurt Vonnegut's new biography and Vonnegut YouTube resources - and more… Segment Starts @ 3:18
2) Short Takes: News and Developments in Literacy Learning with Resource Recommendations:
a) Using theComputer/Video Game MACHINARIUM to foster Literacy Learning... Segment Starts @ 19:07
a) Using theComputer/Video Game MACHINARIUM to foster Literacy Learning... Segment Starts @ 19:07
b) Virtual, FREE Author Visits to Classrooms via SKYPE... Segment Starts @ 21:32
c) Author Study Improving Reading Comprehension, a tech-supported practice from Read – Write - Think… Segment Starts @23:49
*3) Exclusive, in-depth Interview with author T.A. Barron, a well-known young peoples’ authors who has written and published over 30 books, including picture books and series of novels. One of his Merlin novels is currently being made into a movie by Warner Brothers. Mr. Barron offers observations and sound, inspiring advice on fostering literacy learning in our classrooms... Segment Starts @ 29:18 SUGGESTION: Download and listen to Episode #2 in iTunes to monitor segment start times!
c) Author Study Improving Reading Comprehension, a tech-supported practice from Read – Write - Think… Segment Starts @23:49
*3) Exclusive, in-depth Interview with author T.A. Barron, a well-known young peoples’ authors who has written and published over 30 books, including picture books and series of novels. One of his Merlin novels is currently being made into a movie by Warner Brothers. Mr. Barron offers observations and sound, inspiring advice on fostering literacy learning in our classrooms... Segment Starts @ 29:18 SUGGESTION: Download and listen to Episode #2 in iTunes to monitor segment start times!
- T.A. Barron Official Website: http://www.tabarron.com/
- T.A. Barron's Books
- (T.A. Barron) Resources
- Young Heroes
http://www.tabarron.com/young-heroes - Machinarium (Computer/Video Game) http://machinarium.net/demo/
- Teaching with Author Websites (Book) http://teachingwithauthorwebsites.blogspot.com/ + http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book233827 and…
Publisher’s (Corwin) description of Teaching with Author Websiteshttp://www.sagepub.com/books/Book233827#tabview=title - How to engage the disengaged: An English teacher discovers digital literacy really works
(Article – The Guardian) http://www.guardian.co.uk/teacher-network/2011/dec/05/engage-disengaged-students-digital-literacy - Kate’s Book Blog (author Kate Messner) / Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (for free!)http://kmessner.livejournal.com/106020.html?thread=2129444
- Kate Messner’s Books: www.katemessner.com/books/
- An Author in Every Classroom: Kids connecting with authors via Skype. It’s the next best thing to being there (Article – Library Journal) http://www.libraryjournal.com/slj/printissuecurrentissue/886352-427/an_author_in_every_classroom.html.csp
- Author Study: Improving Reading Comprehension Using Inference and Comparison (Read – Write – Think) http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/author-study-improving-reading-906.html
- Some Kurt Vonnegut resources…
- “How to Write a Good Short Story” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmVcIhnvSx8&feature=related
Vonnegut reveals “how to do it” in 8 brilliant points delivered in 90 seconds! -
Vonnegut reveals “how to do it” in 8 brilliant points delivered in 90 seconds! -
- “How To Get A Job Like Mine” (LITERARY DISCOURSE series) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESwSiKRs9hc&feature=related
Vonnegut gives his highly memorable (and absolutely brilliant, hearteningly irreverent( advice to young writers.
Vonnegut gives his highly memorable (and absolutely brilliant, hearteningly irreverent( advice to young writers.
“How It Went” - NY Times review of “And So It Goes: Kurt Vonnegut: A Life” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/27/books/review/and-so-it-goes-kurt-vonnegut-a-life-by-charles-j-shields-book-review.html?pagewanted=all

- Host, Mark Gura’s blog www.markgura.blogspot.com
- Literacy Special Interest Group links: http://siglit.iste.wikispaces.net/HOME+PAGE
- Contact the Literacy Special Interest PODCAST:
ISTE is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving learning and teaching by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education. You can learn more about becoming an ISTE member at www.iste.org/join
- Literacy Special Interest Group links: http://siglit.iste.wikispaces.net/HOME+PAGE
- Contact the Literacy Special Interest PODCAST:
ISTE is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving learning and teaching by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education. You can learn more about becoming an ISTE member at www.iste.org/join
COMING SOON… Episode # 3, featuring an inspiring interview with Educator/Author, Bernard Percy who coached his 5th Grade Students in writing the book "How to Grow a Child"
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